Fiduciary Benefits Advisors

Fiduciary Excellence Program

Our expertise in decoding legislation, rules, and regulations eliminates your health plan risks.

We distill this knowledge into easy-to-understand, practical, and actionable workflows. Enabling you to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the evolving regulatory challenges.

Comprehensive Fiduciary Analysis

Yes, you are a fiduciary. We have a solution to document your fiduciary efforts.

ACA Reporting & Strategy

All self-insured level funded and ALEs have a reporting requirement. We help you confidently navigate the ACA reporting for all businesses, including growing businesses close to the 50-employee threshold.

COBRA & State Continuation Reminders

We will help you know who gets what, and when

Risk Assessment

Like the check-engine light on a car, a risk assessment can alert to areas of concern.

Section 125 Cafeteria Plan Document

If you're taking pre-tax contributions, this document is vital. If you have account-based plans, a simple POP won't cut it.

Wellness Program Analysis

Almost all plans have a wellness component. Most employers don't realize this.

Notice Packet

Medicare Part D, CHIPRA, COBRA, HIPAA, and other notices all bundled together with best practices for distribution.

SPD Wrap Drafting

Wrap all the benefit lines together in a way that makes sense.

Dependent Audit (Eligibility)

Comprehensive Dependent Eligibility Audit. Review documents & validate eligibility.

Medicare Part D Disclosure and Reporting

Like the check-engine light on a car, a risk assessment can alert to areas of concern.

Signature-Ready Pay-or-Play 226J Response

If you get a notice from the IRS, we will craft a response with the objective of reducing or eliminating any proposed penalty.

Signature-Ready Form 5500 Filing

If you're large or funded through a trust, generally you must file a Form 5500.

Signature-Ready PCORI Reporting

We can't file the Form 720 on your behalf, but we can get you up to the finish line.

Nondiscrimination Testing

Every pre-tax benefit has nondiscrimination testing. The consequences of being discriminatory impact the C-Suite.

Compliance Calendar

Timely compliance alerts relevant to your benefit package based on your size, funding, benefits offered, and plan year. All you need, nothing you don't.

Compliance Audit for Federal and State Laws

Deep dive exploration into your benefits, processes, and documentation with actionable items that will move you towards compliance.

New Compliance for Gag Clause Prohibitions

A new annual reporting requirement dependent on removing gag clauses.

New Service Provider Compensation Disclosure

An “easy button” for handling compensation disclosure.

New Prescription Drug (RxDC) Reporting

See what’s actually getting reported. Your carrier, TPA, or PBM may

offer RxDC Reporting, but they often don’t let you see your own information.

New Compliance for Machine Readable Files

Three machine readable files must be updated monthly and publicly available. Are you tracking compliance?

New Mental Health Analysis

Mental health parity is not new but showing your work demonstrating parity is, and an unbiased review is prudent.

HIPAA Privacy & Security Program & Training

If you're self-insured (including level-funded) this is a must!

Benefit Guide

A user-friendly guide that helps employees understand their benefits and use them wisely.

Individual Mandate State Filing:


Your In-House Benefits Experts

Employers require experts to help them manage their benefits due to current compliance burdens.

Fiduciary Benefits Advisors

(Imrove wording) Services

Done For you Fiduciary Support

  • Training, Contract Review, Fiduciary Committee Support and Guidance

  • Comprehensive Compliance Review

  • Plan Documentation Services

  • Fiduciary Excellence Program

  • Regulatory Advisory Service

  • Audit Preparedness Assistance

  • Corrective Action Planning

  • Benefits Dispute Resolution

Your Starting Point

Onboarding and Quarterly Meetings

Fiduciary Health Plan Consulting

Fiduciary Guidance, Claims Analysis and Benefits Improvement Playbook

Employers Needing Support

Monthly Action Items and Quarterly Reviews

Fractional Benefits Manager

A new role for better benefits management - Merging the roles of broker and Benefits Manager

More Support for Less

Weekly Support, Monthly Projects, and Quarterly Plan Management Reviews

The Comprehensive Solution to your Benefits Plan

Fractional Benefits Manager

Co-Fiduciary Governance & ERISA Attorney Support

Establish a fiduciary framework ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and best practices in health plan management. Contract audits, transparent reporting, and adherence to you fiduciary duties.

Health Plan Design and Oversight

Review, develop and improve employee benefits programs, administer claims review, resolve disputes, maintain policy documents, and oversee full plan management.

Claims & Data

Action Plan

Implement advanced claims analytics and predictive cost management, conduct regular data claims audits, and develop strategic plan improvements based on claims data trends to optimize performance.

Support for Human Resources Director

Assist in Recruiting and talent acquisition, Supporting training and Development programs, resolving complex employee disputes, HR technology implementation, & managing organizational change.

Health Plan Purchasing & Insurance Consulting

Simplifying the purchasing process by eliminating conflicts of interest and allowing employers to contract directly with health plans. Reducing redundancies, increasing efficiencies, and providing plan transparency.

Our Service Fee ROI Guarantee

Experience our promise of excellence, a crystal-clear approach that uncovers significant cost-saving opportunities, eradicates compliance issues, and ensures a seamlessly aligned Service Level Agreement.

Our Team



Credentials | 3 sentence bio Power statement

Jennifer Stanley

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Houston | 346-676-5513

[email protected]

San Antonio & Austin | 830-402-5274

[email protected]

Dallas | 469-971-2043

[email protected]

Greater Philadelphia | 610-936-8262

[email protected]

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